Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to make your brain active?

1. Exercise daily: research has shown that exercising will stimulate the brain. It can also reduce the chances of brain disease due to old age.

2. Regular reading. Read as much as you can. Through reading you are getting more and more information. This increases the number of bell connections in your brain making your brain more capable.

3. Solve puzzles and riddles. This is am effective way to increase brain activity. Also try sudoku and crossword puzzles. These are easily available in web.

4. Try new things. Expose yourself to new circumstances like a mountain trip or skating. Incorporate new experiences to your life.

5. Brush with or try writing with your non-dominant hand. Do everyday activities in a different way. This will enable brain to consciously attent the situation rather than doing it as a habit.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

5 tips to overcome procrastination

1. Divide your large or difficult work into small managable unit. Then work on one at a time. Concentrate only on this small task until its complete.

2. Set a time limit or deadline for each task. Remember that each project expands to the time allotted to it.

3. Don't set your expectations too high. If the first task is very hard or difficult, then you are more likely to defer that task. Start with something real simple. It will boost your self-confidence.

4. Take some time to set goals for the next day. You will be amazed to see how much clarity it will give when working for those goals. See in mind the long term benefits of achieving each goal and think how achievement of these goals is important to me.

5. Reward yourself. Short term benefits is a strong motivator to keep you in track. Reward yourself with a cup of coffee or call a friend of yours. It does't matter whether the reward is small or big.

Brain - Amazing facts

Brain user 20% of body's oxygen and blood supply.

At any time brain can store about 7 facts in short term memory.

Brain needs continuous supply of oxygen. A 10 minute loss of oxygen will usually cause significant neural damage.

Human brain can store about 100 trillion bits in a period of 70 years.
Human brain weight an average of a little over three pounds me 1.36 kg

Your brain have about 100 billion neurons

Neurons are longest cells in our body measures 1.2 m long.

Approximately 85,000 neocortical neurons are lost each day in your brain.

Every thought is actually a series of chemical processes in brain.

Amazing facts

Human brain can store 100 trillion bits of information over the course of 70 years, equal to 500000 sets of encyclopedia Britannica, which stacked, would reach 711 km.

There are 6 trillion cells in human body.

Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges.

The first 4 moves by each player in a game of chess can be done in 31897956400 ways.

Electrical stimulation of some areas of brain can restore long forgotten memories.

Human brain stops growing in size about the age of 15

Our body takes about 48 hours to completly digest the done from one meal.

Isaac Newton was taken out of school by his mother who wanted him to become a successful farmer.

Psychological terms

Cognition: A general term covering the functions involved in dealing with information, for example perception, attention, memory and reasoning.

Depression: An emotional state characterised by sadness, unhappy thought, apathy and dejection.

Unconscious: An absence of awareness. It refers to the part of personality of which the individual is unaware.

Phobia: An excessive irrational fear of am object or situation. Eg. Fear of water.

Neurosis: A general term referring to emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression and obsession.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Carrot juice for a good eyesight

Carrot is available without paying higher price in all seasons. But no one pays much attention to this vegetable. Everyone goes for more stylish and tasty foods like oranges and apples. Carrot contains an abundent amount of vitamin A. This helps to develop a good eyesight. The beta carotine present in carrot is am antioxident that can help to resist cancer. Carrot has the ability to control blood pressure. It is also a medicine for all kind of stomach disorders. So make a habit of eating one carrot a day.

If you can do it, you must do it!

If you can do it, then you must do it. Push your limits! Do whatever which is possible to achieve your goals. Of course conditions apply, there things should not harm others or yourself in long run. Be an optimist. If you have a strong feeling in your heart that it is possible, it will become possible. What we get is what we think. If you focus on what is impossible, that is what you will get. Our brain is incredible. It will find ways to get things done what we think possible. When we think of impossible we are literally shutting off the portion of the brain which looks for solutions. Imagination is much more powerful than will power. You'll see it when you believe it!

7 habits for a healthy mind

1. Exercise daily. About 30 minutes a day.

2. Activate your mind constantly by solving puzzles, problems, riddles etc.

3. Eat good water rich foods. Reduce the amount of foods like fried meat.

4. Spent time and talk with your family and friends.

5. Meditate. Practice any form of meditation. Yoga or self-hypnosis can also be considered.

6. Read at least one book a week.

7. Keep asking questions. Asking questions will lead to answers. Never ever stop asking questions.

21 days to form a good habit

About 90% of our activities are habits. Habits are routine activites which are practiced enough so that they can be done without conscious thinking. The quality of our life depends mainly on the quality of our habits. So it is important to form good habits for a fulfilling life. Anything we repeatedly do will become a habit. When an activity is repeated enough, it will be stored as physical connections in brain. So it will become permanent and can be performed without thinking. It is observed that it will take 21 days to form a habit, that is if you repeat a routine over a period of 21 days it will become a part of neurology. Now challenge yourself to form a good habit like exercising or reading books. Challenge yourself to follow through for at least 21 days and observe what happens.

Prioritize your activites: 80/20 rule

Many people will try to do everything that they could do to succeed. The sad thing is that most thing they do will not contribute much in achieving their goals. Here is the importance of prioritizing your activities. According to the Pareto principle or 80-20 principle, the 20% of your activities will produce the 80% of results. The reverse of this rule is also true. The 80% of activities will account for only 20% of results. This principle is true for almost all areas such as business, companies etc. In sales 80% of sales will come from 20% of sales people. Your first goal is to identify your most valued activities, that is the top 20% activities that will contribute more to your life. If you concentrate also on those low valued tasks, you will waste your life's significant part.

Games that can activate your mind and improve your memory

There are several games that can activate your mind's potential. These mind games can improve your analytical thinking skills, memory and concentration. Examples of these games include chess, checkers, hangman etc. Among there games the classic one is chess. Chess have a very long history, originated in Asia around 6th century. A special thing about chess is that no two games can go in same way. There are practically unlimited combinations that can happen in a game. This also means that when playing chess, the brain is dealing with a new problem in each move. A good thing about chess is that it can be played by oneself! But only using computer as opponent. Today there sad a number of chess programs which are available as freeware or shareware for free download. Using these programs will help to improve your brain's abilities. Another interesting games that I come across are Bookworm, memory tiles, hangman etc. Hangman is available from the popcap's website.