Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mind Maps - A magic tool for students

Mind mapping is a very useful tool for any one in any field and especially for students. Mind maps can be used in a variety of purposes like daily planning, project planning, speech preparation, memory aid, idea generating tool or as an efficient note taking system. For our purpose we focus on how mind mapping can be used by students for better academic performance.

Let’s see how mind mapping was developed. In late 1960s Tony Buzan, who later became the founder of mind mapping looked for an efficient way of making notes. He discovered that note makers and geniuses like Mark Twain and DaVinci followed a non linear type of making notes. Other characteristic of efficient note makers is that they print their keywords for better readability.

Mind maps Vs Linear notes

The disadvantage of traditional linear type of not making is that they restrict our free flow of ideas and imagination. For example when we follow a linear note making style, if we want to add a new point under section 1 when you already finished section 1 and entered section2, then the notes will become messy. In real world, this often happens because it’s the way our brain works. As this problem becomes more and more our primary aim becomes to restrict the free flow of ideas to make the notes near or to avoid rewriting of notes.

The major problem in linear note taking is that it disregards half of our brain. As we all know brain consists of two hemispheres, right and left. The left brain accounts for our logical problem solving and linear thinking while the right brain thinks in a non-linear, visual and creative style. In traditional not taking, we exploits only the ability of our left brain and the ability of our right brain is mostly wasted. Half a brain is a terrible thing to lose! The mind mapping makes uses of both right and left hemispheres of brain thus utilizing the full potential of brain.

How to make mind maps?

Start with a fresh sheet or a fresh page in a book. In the middle of the paper draw a picture of symbol representing your topic. In the middle of the paper draw a picture or symbol representing your topic. For example if your topic is computers draw a small picture of it at the centre. You don’t need to draw a perfect picture; a rough picture will give you the fill benefits. This picture serves as the home base of all your associations about the topic. Why use pictures? Picture/symbols are more easily processed in our brain than text. But his is not an iron rule. If your topic is something like independence, democracy you may not find a suitable picture of symbol to represent it. If you do its good but if you don’t just print the topic in capital letters at the centre of the paper. Give some emphasis to the world/phrase like drawing a circle or box around it or thickening the fonts.

Next step is to expand the topic. Print eh ideas that come to your mind around the central picture and connect it with arrows of lines. Expand the subtopics like this and connect it. The resulting picture will be web like structure of interconnections. Expand the ideas further and further. If you want more paper add it. One important thing in making mind maps is that the ideas should not be censored like in traditional not taking. Stop when you are satisfied with your mind map.

Try to include more pictures and figures in your mind map. You can use different color to add emphasis. The reason which the mind maps are so effective is because it will enable you to see new connections between the keywords of different branches which otherwise you will not notice. As new associations are formed you’ll understand the topic better and this will led to another ideas. These associations will also give you better imprint in your brain

Mind maps can be created for different purposes. For students, mind maps will be accelerator for their learning procedure. If you are a student, make mind maps when you study your next essay and notice the difference. Creating mind maps will imprint a better impression in your brain. But the most impressive part is at the time of review. Mind map saves a lot of time during the review. All your key points will be in your mind map. Mind map serves you as a will organized and structured type of notes.

Mind mapping is a skill that should be learned of life. It will be useful for you not only in the case of studying academic stuff but also in numerous other fields including brain storming. Unlike most other things you experiment with, you can see excellent improvement in your retention from your first mind map itself. So please try making a mind map at least once in your life, reap the benefits and do it today itself!

Self Hypnosis Guide (MP3) – Free Download

This is a audio recording of the book ‘A practical guide to self-hypnosis’ by Melvin Powers. In this Audio Book Melvin Powers shows you a step by step approach in the science of self-hypnosis. How to attain self-hypnosis, how to deepen self hypnosis and the dangers of Self-Hypnosis. This recording is hosted on www.archive.org

This is a librivox recording in public domain.

Read by Andrea Fiore

A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis (Audio Book - MP3 format 128kbps)

Chapter 1 - What You Should Know About Self-Hypnosis

23 MB - Download Now

Chapter 2 - What About the Dangers of Hypnosis?

12 MB - Download Now

Chapter 3 - Is Hypnosis the Answer?

14 MB - Download Now

Chapter 4 - How Does Self-Hypnosis Work?

14 MB - Download Now

Chapter 5 - How to Arouse Yourself from the Self-Hypnotic State

7.22 MB - Download Now

Chapter 6 - How to Attain Self-Hypnosis

13 MB - Download Now

Chapter 7 - Deepening the Self-Hypnotic State

20 MB - Download Now

Chapter 8 - What You Should Know About Becoming an Excellent Subject

19 MB - Download Now

Chapter 9 - Techniques for Reaching the Somnambulistic State

19 MB - Download Now

Chapter 10 - A New Approach to Self-Hypnosis When All Else Fails

19 MB - Download Now

Chapter 11 - Psychological Aids and Their Function

17 MB - Download Now

Chapter 12 - The Nature of Hypnosis

11 MB - Download Now

Chapter 13 - Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis

21 MB - Download Now

There are many free personal development resources in the internet. But finding them on internet is very tricky. Some of them can be found easily and some not. My aim here is to index these FREE personal development audio/podcasts in one place for easy access for everyone. If you know any other source for free personal development audio/podcast please leave a comment about it. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thom Hartman NLP Lessons (Personal development resource) – FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a science which is very popular among the people who want to improve the quality of their lives. These are a series of audio(mp3) which will introduce you to the wonderful world of NLP. The author of this series is Thom Hartman was a radio host and is an expert in the subject. This audio will also show you how to activate you unconscious mind and gain more from your life. These files are hosted on archive.org. Enjoy the audio!

Rapport - Step Into My World (9.6MB) - DOWNLOAD

Pleasure & Pain - Motivational Strategies (12MB) - DOWNLOAD

Framing - Words That Invoke Meaning (13MB) - DOWNLOAD

Assumption - What You Say Is What You Get (14MB) - DOWNLOAD

Goal Setting - The Secret of Success (8.2MB) - DOWNLOAD

Comfort Zones - Try Something Different (7.4MB) - DOWNLOAD

Submodalities - How We Store Information (8MB) - DOWNLOAD

Embedded Language - The Unconscious Mind (8.6MB) - DOWNLOAD

Multiple Me - Targeting Your Message (8.4MB) - DOWNLOAD

Branding An Identity - Who Am I? (7.7MB) - DOWNLOAD

Marketing - Features and Benefits(5.9MB) - DOWNLOAD

There are variety of free personal development resources in the internet. But finding every them on internet is very tricky. Some of them can be found easily and some not. My aim here is to index these FREE personal development audio/podcasts in one place for easy access for everyone. If you know any other source for free personal development audio/podcast please leave a comment about it. Thanks in advance.