Sunday, August 16, 2009

Memory Improvement Techniques

We are heavily dependent on our memory. Whatever we can do and whatever we are, are all dependent on our memory. For students it will be an added advantage if they know how to use their memory most effectively. Here are some techniques that will be helpful to you to sharpen your memory.

First barrier to overcome when you are into memory improvement is the change the limiting belief “I can’t learn that much” or “I have a poor memory”. Whenever we see a huge pile of books to be learned, our first response will be “I can’t do that”, and it is an automatic response!” In fact we have said it over and over, and in course of time it became automatic. This single negative thought is discouraging and will pull away from books. If you have to learn something, you must at least try it, right? The habit of negative self-talk can be replaced with an optimistic and positive self-talk.

By doing this you’ll have better self-confidence and you’ll develop a positive mental attitude towards learning. The best ways to do this is using positive affirmations and self-hypnosis.

Before moving into actual memory improvement techniques, a brief note about what memory actually is. Let us skip the biological part now. We recall things by their associates. You can remember any new information if you associate to anything you already know or remember. Any kind of associations will work, but more clearer and interesting kind of associations will result in a better trace in the brain and hence the memory will last fore many years. An important factor which makes these associations stronger is emotions. Positive emotions like lobe, joy, excitement etc tents to boost your memory. Extreme negative emotions also serve as a catalyst for memory, but it is not advised to use them for ordinary learning purposes.

Traditional memory improvement techniques like link system, peg system, Roman room methods are not discussed here. Also techniques for memorizing faces, jokes, grocery list are also not discussed here because students don’t need to remember these items for improving their academic performance.

Sharper memory needs tow factors, a stronger initial impression and an efficient retrieval mechanism. Let’s discuss the first one, making a stronger initial impression in brain about the learning material. Visualization is a great method for a strong first impression. Visualize what you are learning about. See the images and hear the sounds. If the learning material consists of highly technical and unimaginable data like equations or numerical quantities then try mind mapping. You will be amazed with the result of using mind mapping. If possible try to find visual aids like physical models, actual object or animations in your topic.

Find study partners, and try to learn together as much as possible. Studying with another person will serves you in the following ways.

1. You will be more active in your study than learning alone.

2. Positive emotions like commitment and happiness.

3. You remember more what you teach.

4. Learning in a positive environment (Cheerful and happy).

But beware. Only chose study partners that you can cop with. Your study partner pace of learning should be near to you and learning styles should not be opposite of yours.

The key to memory improvement is to increase the number and variety of your mental associations. As said earlier we learn anything by associating it to something we already know. So to study something we should have a least prior knowledge of it. In this way you can built up on memory. This is like having a proper foundation before building a house. Try to acquire some basic knowledge about the subject before you commit to learn it thoroughly. Without proper basics, sentences are mere collection of worlds without any meaning, i.e. you cannot understand its meaning.

As a matter of fact retention decreases with the passage of time. For proper retrieval of information it should be reviewed at proper intervals

Now let’s discuss the second factor for a sharper memory, efficient retrieval of data. An information can be remembered easily when it is stored in a categorized way even if it doesn’t have a strong impression in your brain. The key is association. We can trace information back to original by thinking of any other information which is closely related to it. This is very important. You may have encountered a situation in which you mind goes blank when thinking about a particular answer to a question while you are in the middle of an exam. The worst thing is you know that you know the answer and you can’t remember it. This is a very frustrating situation. Here never waste your time and energy by dwelling too much time on it and wishing to remember. Instead try to remember anything which is associated or related to the topic. Then you’ll remember the missing link and remember the whole answer.

There are also various other memory improvement tactics. They are discussed through out this website. The sole website is about accelerated learning. Learning and memory are inseparable, so all accelerated learning techniques will some how improve you memory. If you want to know more about traditional memory improvement techniques, please browse this website and you’ll find detailed explanations and steps of execution for each mnemonic technique.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Learning Motor Skills

Learning and developing some motor skills can be crucial to our life like walking, talking etc. Unlike inbuilt bodily functions like respiration and digestion these skills should be learned by practice and effort. There are some information and techniques that we should know which can improve learning a motor skill rapidly. The common motor skills we should develop are cycling, swimming, typing, skiing, driving etc. In the development of any motor skill one thing is common, that is practice. You can buy and read a book about how to play golf. You can clearly understand its rules and different techniques that are used by ace players. But even with these amazing amounts of information you cannot play golf, even one correct shot! For that you should practice it. You should have somebody to correct your posture and guide you.
Some motor skills can be developed by oneself like typing, dancing, playing a ball game. Practicing these motor skills does not pose any risks but except some motor skills like typing, dancing other motor skills involve some kind of risk involving them, like in the case of driving, diving, paragliding etc. You should need some professional guidance to study those skills that involve some kind of danger.
Typing is an excellent skill that you can develop by yourself. All you need is a computer and touch typing software. Fortunately many typing tutorial softwares are available free online. By practicing only 30 minutes a day for 30 days you can improve your typing speed about eight times. Additional benefits are
1. You don’t have to search for keys in the keyboard
2. Less strain to eyes because you don’t have to look back and forth between the screen and keyboard
3. You can think about what you are typing
4. And of course you can save a lot of time!
One important factor in learning motor skills is the spacing between learning sessions. For example, you cannot learn driving by practicing driving 8hrs in one day, but the results will be much better if you pass some time between the learning sessions. Say sixteen 30 minute session. In this case the time duration is the same 8hrs but the results will be much better in the latter case.
Interference while learning a skill should be avoided. Thus one should avoid taking a karate class and Tae Kwon Do class simultaneously. You can learn one skill and become good on it, and then you can move to the next. When you try to learn two motor skills at the same time period the movements become interfered and it will take more time to master both skills. Instead you can master one type of skills and then move to learning a similar type of skill, this way you can learning more fast and it will be simple to learn that skill.
Master the basics first before you go to advanced steps. We cannot do a bike stunt just after you learned how to balance a bike. Developing a motor skill need some time, patience and practice. In martial arts you can see even the black belts will be practicing the basic moves like punches and blocks. When practicing typing you only start with eight keys of the home row (ASDFJKL;). When learning a musical instrument you should learn how to play the basic tones and tunes. Even if you learned advanced techniques without perfecting your basic techniques, then it won’t be of much use. Think it in this way, you try to jump higher when you don’t properly know how to balance and stand up. What will happen? You’ll fall every time when to try jumping, hurting yourself.
Many people have a wrong attitude about failing many times before succeeding. After failing many times they’ll say ‘This is it!’ and stop trying. They don’t realize that failing each time is a great lesson for them. Even if they consciously don’t know their brain is learning at a rapid rate. To be more precise the learning rate is higher when the impact of failure is very high. Imagine the situation, you see a small child going to touch boiling water. You say to the child “Don’t touch the boiling water, you’ll get a burn”. He may stop by hearing this, but the next time the child experiences the same situation, he’ll not remember what you said last time. This is because he doesn’t know how painful the experience will be. In other words, he doesn’t have a reference point in his life about burning. Once the child has a painful experience of burning, the next time he’ll avoid the danger again, even if the pain he experienced is minor. The same is true for you in learning motor skills. You can learn from your mistakes. It shouldn’t have to be a major mistake. But mistakes that will endanger yours or others safety should be avoided in any cost. For example you cannot take chances by learning driving in a crowded city street. The activities that have risks in it should be learned under professional supervision. The important thing to keep in mind is this. It doesn’t matter how many times an average baby try and falls before he or she finally walks. The most important factor in learning is the right attitude towards learning.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mind Maps - A magic tool for students

Mind mapping is a very useful tool for any one in any field and especially for students. Mind maps can be used in a variety of purposes like daily planning, project planning, speech preparation, memory aid, idea generating tool or as an efficient note taking system. For our purpose we focus on how mind mapping can be used by students for better academic performance.

Let’s see how mind mapping was developed. In late 1960s Tony Buzan, who later became the founder of mind mapping looked for an efficient way of making notes. He discovered that note makers and geniuses like Mark Twain and DaVinci followed a non linear type of making notes. Other characteristic of efficient note makers is that they print their keywords for better readability.

Mind maps Vs Linear notes

The disadvantage of traditional linear type of not making is that they restrict our free flow of ideas and imagination. For example when we follow a linear note making style, if we want to add a new point under section 1 when you already finished section 1 and entered section2, then the notes will become messy. In real world, this often happens because it’s the way our brain works. As this problem becomes more and more our primary aim becomes to restrict the free flow of ideas to make the notes near or to avoid rewriting of notes.

The major problem in linear note taking is that it disregards half of our brain. As we all know brain consists of two hemispheres, right and left. The left brain accounts for our logical problem solving and linear thinking while the right brain thinks in a non-linear, visual and creative style. In traditional not taking, we exploits only the ability of our left brain and the ability of our right brain is mostly wasted. Half a brain is a terrible thing to lose! The mind mapping makes uses of both right and left hemispheres of brain thus utilizing the full potential of brain.

How to make mind maps?

Start with a fresh sheet or a fresh page in a book. In the middle of the paper draw a picture of symbol representing your topic. In the middle of the paper draw a picture or symbol representing your topic. For example if your topic is computers draw a small picture of it at the centre. You don’t need to draw a perfect picture; a rough picture will give you the fill benefits. This picture serves as the home base of all your associations about the topic. Why use pictures? Picture/symbols are more easily processed in our brain than text. But his is not an iron rule. If your topic is something like independence, democracy you may not find a suitable picture of symbol to represent it. If you do its good but if you don’t just print the topic in capital letters at the centre of the paper. Give some emphasis to the world/phrase like drawing a circle or box around it or thickening the fonts.

Next step is to expand the topic. Print eh ideas that come to your mind around the central picture and connect it with arrows of lines. Expand the subtopics like this and connect it. The resulting picture will be web like structure of interconnections. Expand the ideas further and further. If you want more paper add it. One important thing in making mind maps is that the ideas should not be censored like in traditional not taking. Stop when you are satisfied with your mind map.

Try to include more pictures and figures in your mind map. You can use different color to add emphasis. The reason which the mind maps are so effective is because it will enable you to see new connections between the keywords of different branches which otherwise you will not notice. As new associations are formed you’ll understand the topic better and this will led to another ideas. These associations will also give you better imprint in your brain

Mind maps can be created for different purposes. For students, mind maps will be accelerator for their learning procedure. If you are a student, make mind maps when you study your next essay and notice the difference. Creating mind maps will imprint a better impression in your brain. But the most impressive part is at the time of review. Mind map saves a lot of time during the review. All your key points will be in your mind map. Mind map serves you as a will organized and structured type of notes.

Mind mapping is a skill that should be learned of life. It will be useful for you not only in the case of studying academic stuff but also in numerous other fields including brain storming. Unlike most other things you experiment with, you can see excellent improvement in your retention from your first mind map itself. So please try making a mind map at least once in your life, reap the benefits and do it today itself!

Self Hypnosis Guide (MP3) – Free Download

This is a audio recording of the book ‘A practical guide to self-hypnosis’ by Melvin Powers. In this Audio Book Melvin Powers shows you a step by step approach in the science of self-hypnosis. How to attain self-hypnosis, how to deepen self hypnosis and the dangers of Self-Hypnosis. This recording is hosted on

This is a librivox recording in public domain.

Read by Andrea Fiore

A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis (Audio Book - MP3 format 128kbps)

Chapter 1 - What You Should Know About Self-Hypnosis

23 MB - Download Now

Chapter 2 - What About the Dangers of Hypnosis?

12 MB - Download Now

Chapter 3 - Is Hypnosis the Answer?

14 MB - Download Now

Chapter 4 - How Does Self-Hypnosis Work?

14 MB - Download Now

Chapter 5 - How to Arouse Yourself from the Self-Hypnotic State

7.22 MB - Download Now

Chapter 6 - How to Attain Self-Hypnosis

13 MB - Download Now

Chapter 7 - Deepening the Self-Hypnotic State

20 MB - Download Now

Chapter 8 - What You Should Know About Becoming an Excellent Subject

19 MB - Download Now

Chapter 9 - Techniques for Reaching the Somnambulistic State

19 MB - Download Now

Chapter 10 - A New Approach to Self-Hypnosis When All Else Fails

19 MB - Download Now

Chapter 11 - Psychological Aids and Their Function

17 MB - Download Now

Chapter 12 - The Nature of Hypnosis

11 MB - Download Now

Chapter 13 - Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis

21 MB - Download Now

There are many free personal development resources in the internet. But finding them on internet is very tricky. Some of them can be found easily and some not. My aim here is to index these FREE personal development audio/podcasts in one place for easy access for everyone. If you know any other source for free personal development audio/podcast please leave a comment about it. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thom Hartman NLP Lessons (Personal development resource) – FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a science which is very popular among the people who want to improve the quality of their lives. These are a series of audio(mp3) which will introduce you to the wonderful world of NLP. The author of this series is Thom Hartman was a radio host and is an expert in the subject. This audio will also show you how to activate you unconscious mind and gain more from your life. These files are hosted on Enjoy the audio!

Rapport - Step Into My World (9.6MB) - DOWNLOAD

Pleasure & Pain - Motivational Strategies (12MB) - DOWNLOAD

Framing - Words That Invoke Meaning (13MB) - DOWNLOAD

Assumption - What You Say Is What You Get (14MB) - DOWNLOAD

Goal Setting - The Secret of Success (8.2MB) - DOWNLOAD

Comfort Zones - Try Something Different (7.4MB) - DOWNLOAD

Submodalities - How We Store Information (8MB) - DOWNLOAD

Embedded Language - The Unconscious Mind (8.6MB) - DOWNLOAD

Multiple Me - Targeting Your Message (8.4MB) - DOWNLOAD

Branding An Identity - Who Am I? (7.7MB) - DOWNLOAD

Marketing - Features and Benefits(5.9MB) - DOWNLOAD

There are variety of free personal development resources in the internet. But finding every them on internet is very tricky. Some of them can be found easily and some not. My aim here is to index these FREE personal development audio/podcasts in one place for easy access for everyone. If you know any other source for free personal development audio/podcast please leave a comment about it. Thanks in advance.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to make your brain active?

1. Exercise daily: research has shown that exercising will stimulate the brain. It can also reduce the chances of brain disease due to old age.

2. Regular reading. Read as much as you can. Through reading you are getting more and more information. This increases the number of bell connections in your brain making your brain more capable.

3. Solve puzzles and riddles. This is am effective way to increase brain activity. Also try sudoku and crossword puzzles. These are easily available in web.

4. Try new things. Expose yourself to new circumstances like a mountain trip or skating. Incorporate new experiences to your life.

5. Brush with or try writing with your non-dominant hand. Do everyday activities in a different way. This will enable brain to consciously attent the situation rather than doing it as a habit.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

5 tips to overcome procrastination

1. Divide your large or difficult work into small managable unit. Then work on one at a time. Concentrate only on this small task until its complete.

2. Set a time limit or deadline for each task. Remember that each project expands to the time allotted to it.

3. Don't set your expectations too high. If the first task is very hard or difficult, then you are more likely to defer that task. Start with something real simple. It will boost your self-confidence.

4. Take some time to set goals for the next day. You will be amazed to see how much clarity it will give when working for those goals. See in mind the long term benefits of achieving each goal and think how achievement of these goals is important to me.

5. Reward yourself. Short term benefits is a strong motivator to keep you in track. Reward yourself with a cup of coffee or call a friend of yours. It does't matter whether the reward is small or big.

Brain - Amazing facts

Brain user 20% of body's oxygen and blood supply.

At any time brain can store about 7 facts in short term memory.

Brain needs continuous supply of oxygen. A 10 minute loss of oxygen will usually cause significant neural damage.

Human brain can store about 100 trillion bits in a period of 70 years.
Human brain weight an average of a little over three pounds me 1.36 kg

Your brain have about 100 billion neurons

Neurons are longest cells in our body measures 1.2 m long.

Approximately 85,000 neocortical neurons are lost each day in your brain.

Every thought is actually a series of chemical processes in brain.

Amazing facts

Human brain can store 100 trillion bits of information over the course of 70 years, equal to 500000 sets of encyclopedia Britannica, which stacked, would reach 711 km.

There are 6 trillion cells in human body.

Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges.

The first 4 moves by each player in a game of chess can be done in 31897956400 ways.

Electrical stimulation of some areas of brain can restore long forgotten memories.

Human brain stops growing in size about the age of 15

Our body takes about 48 hours to completly digest the done from one meal.

Isaac Newton was taken out of school by his mother who wanted him to become a successful farmer.

Psychological terms

Cognition: A general term covering the functions involved in dealing with information, for example perception, attention, memory and reasoning.

Depression: An emotional state characterised by sadness, unhappy thought, apathy and dejection.

Unconscious: An absence of awareness. It refers to the part of personality of which the individual is unaware.

Phobia: An excessive irrational fear of am object or situation. Eg. Fear of water.

Neurosis: A general term referring to emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression and obsession.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Carrot juice for a good eyesight

Carrot is available without paying higher price in all seasons. But no one pays much attention to this vegetable. Everyone goes for more stylish and tasty foods like oranges and apples. Carrot contains an abundent amount of vitamin A. This helps to develop a good eyesight. The beta carotine present in carrot is am antioxident that can help to resist cancer. Carrot has the ability to control blood pressure. It is also a medicine for all kind of stomach disorders. So make a habit of eating one carrot a day.

If you can do it, you must do it!

If you can do it, then you must do it. Push your limits! Do whatever which is possible to achieve your goals. Of course conditions apply, there things should not harm others or yourself in long run. Be an optimist. If you have a strong feeling in your heart that it is possible, it will become possible. What we get is what we think. If you focus on what is impossible, that is what you will get. Our brain is incredible. It will find ways to get things done what we think possible. When we think of impossible we are literally shutting off the portion of the brain which looks for solutions. Imagination is much more powerful than will power. You'll see it when you believe it!

7 habits for a healthy mind

1. Exercise daily. About 30 minutes a day.

2. Activate your mind constantly by solving puzzles, problems, riddles etc.

3. Eat good water rich foods. Reduce the amount of foods like fried meat.

4. Spent time and talk with your family and friends.

5. Meditate. Practice any form of meditation. Yoga or self-hypnosis can also be considered.

6. Read at least one book a week.

7. Keep asking questions. Asking questions will lead to answers. Never ever stop asking questions.

21 days to form a good habit

About 90% of our activities are habits. Habits are routine activites which are practiced enough so that they can be done without conscious thinking. The quality of our life depends mainly on the quality of our habits. So it is important to form good habits for a fulfilling life. Anything we repeatedly do will become a habit. When an activity is repeated enough, it will be stored as physical connections in brain. So it will become permanent and can be performed without thinking. It is observed that it will take 21 days to form a habit, that is if you repeat a routine over a period of 21 days it will become a part of neurology. Now challenge yourself to form a good habit like exercising or reading books. Challenge yourself to follow through for at least 21 days and observe what happens.

Prioritize your activites: 80/20 rule

Many people will try to do everything that they could do to succeed. The sad thing is that most thing they do will not contribute much in achieving their goals. Here is the importance of prioritizing your activities. According to the Pareto principle or 80-20 principle, the 20% of your activities will produce the 80% of results. The reverse of this rule is also true. The 80% of activities will account for only 20% of results. This principle is true for almost all areas such as business, companies etc. In sales 80% of sales will come from 20% of sales people. Your first goal is to identify your most valued activities, that is the top 20% activities that will contribute more to your life. If you concentrate also on those low valued tasks, you will waste your life's significant part.

Games that can activate your mind and improve your memory

There are several games that can activate your mind's potential. These mind games can improve your analytical thinking skills, memory and concentration. Examples of these games include chess, checkers, hangman etc. Among there games the classic one is chess. Chess have a very long history, originated in Asia around 6th century. A special thing about chess is that no two games can go in same way. There are practically unlimited combinations that can happen in a game. This also means that when playing chess, the brain is dealing with a new problem in each move. A good thing about chess is that it can be played by oneself! But only using computer as opponent. Today there sad a number of chess programs which are available as freeware or shareware for free download. Using these programs will help to improve your brain's abilities. Another interesting games that I come across are Bookworm, memory tiles, hangman etc. Hangman is available from the popcap's website.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Study tips for students

1. Set clear goals before you begin. Write down a plan before you start learning. Set realistic goals for each learning session, such as number of pages or number of chapters to be learnt. Note that each goal should have a specific timeline.

2. Learn with a clear mind. Be relaxed when you are learning. You can learn more when you are in a relaxed state of mind. Deep breathing is a way for relaxation of mind. Try to take at least five slow deep breaths before you begin learning. This will dramatically improve your brain's absorbing power.

3. Make learning an active process. Instead of mere reading of material, make learning more active by taking notes, memorizing, teaching someone etc.

4. Summarize what you have read in your own words. Make a short note on it. Ask some questions based on what you have read and try to answer those questions.

5. Use your imagination. Imagination keeps you interested in learning and improve retention. Visualize what you are reading about. Make these mental picture more vivid and clear. The more clear, the image the chances are high that you will remember the information on required time.

6. Be truly focused. When you take in the information you must fully attend to what you are doing. How much time you study does not matter most, but what matters is that how efficiently you study in that time. Be where you are.

7. Take short breaks. Take short breaks to refresh your mind. Walk around, drink some water in the break time. This will restore your attention. A five minute break for every twenty five minutes is a good guideline.

8. Review: Everyday start by reviewing the main points you have learnt the previous day. Review helps to move an information from your short term memory to long term memory.

9. Sleep well: Good sleeping habits can aid memory. Try to get at least six hours of sleep. This time varies according to each individual.

10. Exercise daily: Regular exercise can improve concentration and thus the learning capacity. Besides regular exercise will boost your self esteem and self confidence.

11. Stay away from distractions. Your learning environment should be calm and positive. Stay away from distractions such as television, computer games, radio, telephone etc. It is often helpful to study in a library.

12. Don't Procrastinate. Study it on the available time even if it is not urgent. Set clear goals and start studying. Once you have started studying, never rearrange the learning session. Procrastinating studying will decrease the zeal and interest to study those things. The only time completely in our control in now.